Tips and Aids

I have had a few people who have done or attempted to do their genealogy back to their European roots–particularly their German roots, which presents quite a problem.  In the first place, Germany has had multiple borders, so locations have changed and in the second place, records have been lost or destroyed due to various wars.  However, I have a cheat sheet that has some interesting facts on it, that might prove useful to those of you who are exploring your German roots.  It is available in the new edition of Family Tree magazine–the September/October 2020 edition.  But if you don’t have access to the magazine just come by to see me and I can either make a copy for you or help you with it.  On the back, it lists some great websites and organizations that might interest those of you who are doing research in this area–for example, Archion,  Grimms Worterbuch, and Geogen Surname Mapping to name just a few.  Just wanted to pass the information along!
